
The young Central-Eastern European Newsroom for multi-perspective multi-format stories.

PERSPECTIVES is the new label for independent, constructive and multi-perspective journalism. Co-financed by the EU, revue Prostor implements this project together with six other editorial teams from Central-Eastern Europe under the leadership of Goethe-Institut. Find out more about Perspectives:

Perspectives is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the funding authority can be held responsible for them.

Participating partners

EPER Rádió

The Első Pesti Egyetemi Rádió, “First University Radio of the city of Pest” (EPER, or EPER Rádió) is a non-profit, small community radio station in downtown Budapest. We broadcast from the buildings of the Eötvös Loránd University. In addition to our regular radio work, we also develop and publish podcasts about culture, science, public life; magazines about self-improvement, life-course interviews; and programs about university life and and what – or how - young adults and students think about the world they live in, what difficulties and challenges they have.

Jádu | German/ Czech/ Slovak/ Ukrainian Online Magazine

We believe in the potential of constructive journalism. When we talk about problems, we also ask for solutions. JÁDU covers the small stories that might become big one day and the big stories that started small. Stories from everyday life and those that you probably only experience once. We are passionate about what we do and we are not afraid to take a stand. However, we always remain transparent. JÁDU is a multilingual source for everyone who wants to find out more about their European neighbours, and also for those who want to take a fresh look at their own social environment.


KAPITÁL is a monthly journal established in 2017 in Bratislava, Slovakia. We strive to offer critical insight into social and cultural phenomena at home and abroad. We are a space for critical thought and the voices of the unheard. We are not afraid to be uncomfortable, because our job is to reevaluate society. We investigate where no one is looking and ask questions nobody asks. KAPITÁL is a multimedia outlet.

Kultura Liberalna

Kultura Liberalna is a leading Polish intellectual magazine. Established as a weekly publication in 2009, among its contributors it counts eminent scholars, politicians, and journalists. Our main aim is to strengthen and modernize liberal ideas in Central and Eastern Europe through the promotion of the ideals of an open society, worldview pluralism and free debate based on mutual respect.

Media4Change a part of international Media4Change network that is here to inspire and innovate. We listen to and analyze problems our community brings to us. Community is in our name. We are building Ideas Market - literally a market for ideas! We are a tool for journalists, experts and activists to find one another  to react, engage and inspire. Our passion for human rights shines bright and illuminates the way forward. is a community for journalism that listens.


NARA is a space for responsible journalism, produced by a collective of journalists and media professionals whose work relies on the principles of ethical journalism, research, and respect for our interviewees. Since its start in 2015, one of NARA's goals has been to cultivate a new generation of journalists and critical media consumers. We believe that independent and ethical journalism is essential to a democratic society. NARA´s work has been recognized and awarded in Lithuania and abroad.

Revue Prostor

Revue Prostor is the oldest literary and culture magazine with samizdat roots in action in Czechia. Today Revue Prostor (RP) represents a collective of journalists, academics, and writers and an independent platform for an open dialogue and communication of a wide range of views on current issues and problems. The main goal of Revue Prostor is to address different and diverse groups of readers and followers, and thereby cross the boundaries of closed social and opinion bubbles. This goal is being pursued through a large diversity in content the RP platform provides (printed magazine, Blog online, podcast, Youtube, public events).


Overall project management:


The Goethe-Institut is the globally active cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany. We promote cultural exchange, education and social discourse in an international context and support the teaching and learning of the German language. We believe in the potential of international cultural exchange. Our approximately 20,000 cultural events per year take place in partnership with governmental and non-governmental institutions and initiatives from civil society in our guest countries. 



Editorial Guidelines

All content published under label „Perspectives“ complies with our joint Editorial Guidelines to ensure impartiality, multiperspectivity and relevance.

The following core values guide our daily editorial work: 


To bring to you truly engaging and informative content, we also commit ourselves to:

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